Personalized No Pull Dog Harness
Nº parcela |
Valor da Parcela |
1 | 1x de R$ à vista |
2 | 2x de R$ sem juros |
3 | 3x de R$ sem juros |
4 | 4x de R$ sem juros |
5 | 5x de R$ |
6 | 6x de R$ |
7 | 7x de R$ |
8 | 8x de R$ |
9 | 9x de R$ |
10 | 10x de R$ |
11 | 11x de R$ |
12 | 12x de R$ |
30 Days Warranty
7 days for exchanges and returns
The harness is designed to discourage pulling behavior in dogs. It typically features a front attachment point for leash attachment, which helps to redirect the dog's pulling force towards the side, discouraging pulling and promoting better control during walks. The IDC Powerharness Julius K9 is a specific model of dog harness known for its durability and functionality. It is designed to distribute the pulling force evenly across the dog's chest and shoulders, reducing strain and potential discomfort.